International Exchanges
In keeping with the IB philosophy, our programmes emphasize international mindedness, helping to create a better and more peaceful world.
Our international programme is designed to bring international mindedness to the school community. A number of international activities and events, help our students to find out more about the world.
Student Exchange Programmes
IST is committed to fostering learning opportunities that go beyond the classroom walls. International student exchanges allow our school community to experience the immense cultural richness that exists on planet earth allowing the growth of global mindedness and increasing knowledge and understanding of an ever interconnected world.
Exchange experiences can be online using the Internet and or involve travel to other destinations.

The International School of Zanzibar in Tanzania, Africa.
Every alternate year, a student exchange programme with the International School of Zanzibar focuses on service-learning activities and includes working with different realities on preserving Zanzibari culture and heritage. Service projects include cleaning up mangrove areas, helping children from a local school to improve reading and writing in English and working with a local organization the "FLO House" that helps integrate adult orphans into society. IST students help by planting vegetables, painting walls and cooking together.
Also, IST students participate in various school-related and cultural activities with students at ISZ which sends a delegation to IST to learn about IST and Italian culture. ISZ and IST students stay with host families.
Kodaikanal International School in India
A student exchange programme takes place biannually year with the Kodaikanal International School in India, focusing on increasing our students' sense of 'international mindedness', benefitting from living in a different environment. The activities include installing Smokeless Stoves in local homes, (eradicating the risk posed to women’s health because of the smoke emitted by the stoves), and rebuilding a local home that was destroyed by a mudslide and conversing with children in local schools in English.
KIS also sends a delegation of students to IST in order to share their culture and exchange ideas with our students. KIS students stay with IST families during their stay in Italy while IST students are lodged in KIS student dormitories.
Brighton Primary School in Victoria, Australia
Students from Brighton Primary School visit Turin biannually in Autumn as part of their journey to Italy to practice the Italian language and learn about Italian culture. IST students get to know the students beforehand via Skype. IST students show the group around Turin and the IST campus in order to share their culture and language with the guests.
Dumont D'Urville European High School, Toulon, France
As official Eco-Schools, students from both the IST's Eco Club and DET (Dumont en Transition Eco Club) have shared activities and ways they promote ecological practices in their schools. IST students attended an Eco Fair in 2018 in Toulon while a group from DET attended our IStathon in 2019. Both groups worked together to improve their ecological activities through planning and dialogue. The two eco clubs continue to collaborate and share ideas during the year. Students stay with families whilst in France or Italy.

International School of Geneva, Switzerland
A delegation of Grade 4 students visited Turin to see the Egyptian Museum as part of their PYP ancient civilization unit and spent a morning at IST presenting what they learned. The two schools continue to exchange ideas via email and skype and plan to collaborate in the future.